Looking At The Foods From The Diet Featured On

My wife has had significant success using the diet featured on, so I sometimes get questions about it from friends of mine. Yesterday, a friend Emailed me asking about some of the Medifast foods. She wanted to give the diet a try, but she was overwhelmed by the variety of food choices she had. She asked me to recommend some of the most tasty and desirable Medifast ingredients. I figured, if she asked me, there must be more people out there who would benefit from hearing a bit more about the foods she asked about.

The Shakes

With 55 different shakes to choose from, it's almost impossible to NOT find one you'll love. I think almost everybody has a few that they love. The shakes are perhaps the most talked-about part of the diet on all of the forums and blogs I've seen, and no wonder -- they're great, and they're part of the basic package on

The taste and texture of the shakes are great. They're not too sweet, but they don't have any of the bitter taste that other similar shakes can have. The texture is always perfect because you can choose to add more or less liquid to the mix, so you always get the texture you want. If you want a really thick shake so you can top it with whipped cream and eat it out of a bowl, you can. On the other hand, if you want something you can suck out of a sports bottle while you run on the treadmill, you can thin it out easily, too. My favorite by far is the vanilla, but the dutch chocolate is also really good.

The Bars

These are perfect 'convenience' foods. They have great taste and texture, and all you need to do to enjoy one is unwrap it. I like all of the flavors you can get, but without a doubt my personal favorite is the chocolate mint flavor. It reminds me of Girl Scout's Thin Mint cookies, which I used to be addicted to. They are a bit richer than the other foods available from, so you should only ever have one each day. The point is to eat lots of small meals, not snack excessively!

The Pudding

The pudding mix is really quite versatile. You can use it to make cake or muffins, just like cake mix. As long as you use applesauce in the place of oil in your recipies, this remains a health food. Oh, also, you should use agave syrup or stevia in the place of sugar.

The Eggs:

Don't eat these plain! I mean, you can if you like plain eggs, but you certainly don't have to. I make breakfast wraps, frittata, and scrambles out of them. You have to be careful that you don't add any sugary stuff to these when you make them, but that's easy enough. Medifast1.comhas some pretty strict rules, so these can really add some flexibility to your routine if used carefully.

The Chili

Like the eggs, the chili is best used not plain, but as a basis for other recipes. Over some carefully-chosen hot dogs, or (because everyone cheats sometimes!) some sprouted-wheatberry tortillas, this versatile base becomes chili-dogs or nachos. These down-home creations can get you through some tough temptations like watching a football game with the guys - you can have nachos while they do, just make sure that yours are healthy ones.

Now don't get me wrong - I stick to the diet 95% of the time. But I know that to err is human -- I just figure if I err on the side of 'health-ified' cheat foods, I'll be much better off than if I give in and eat a donut.

I hope that this has helped any of you who are just investigating the diet to understand what kinds of foods are available, and perhaps which package you should buy. If you're still wondering if this diet is for you, I'd say give it a shot! It has worked for several of my friends and for me as well. Just click over to any of the sites related to and check it out!